Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Agile: A way of software development


  • Follows Divide and Rule.
  • Divide the feature implementation into different phases, take continuous feedback from the customer.
  • It brings pace to development and delivery.

 When and why Agile is created?

  • It was created in 2001.
  • To find better approaches to build software or application.
  • The Agile Manifesto includes four values

a.  Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
b.  Working software over comprehensive documentation
c.  Customeraboration over contract negotiation
d.  Responding to change 

and twelve principles
a.  Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of software
b.  Implement the changing requirements
c.  Deliver the working software frequently
d.  Business people and developers must work together throughout the project
e.  Build projects around motivated individuals
f.   Direct communication with the Development Team members
g.  Deliver software that functions as expected by the customer or the end-user
h.  Promote sustainable development
i.   Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility
j.   Keep It Simple Stupid principle
k.  Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
l.   At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective
    •    It helps to integrate new cultures in the application development process.

 Objective: To have a high-quality package with a faster time to market.

 Benefits of Agile:

  • Fixed and clear goals
  • Visibility
  • Incremental product development
  • Continuous feedback from customer
  • Productivity gains for Dev’s team


  • Scrum: In this work is completed in multiple time box iteration with each iteration or Sprint having a potentially releasable product in the form of product Increment.
  • Kanban: It keeps focus on capacity and demands and balances them out.
  • Scrumban: Objective of Scrumban to make it relatively easier for Scrum Teams to explore Kanban.
  • Extreme programming: Programming in pairs or extensive code review.  

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