Artificial Intelligence is an intelligence which is demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence which is displayed by humans. Artificial intelligence is used to describe machines which mimic "cognitive" functions which humans associate with the human mind.
By the time, as machines get increasingly capable and the tasks considered to require "intelligence" are often removed from the definition of Artificial intelligence (AI), a phenomenon known as the AI effect.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a transformational technology, powering a change throughout the world. AI is disrupting everything in our lives and embedded in the new disruptive technology is INTELLIGENCE.
Consider an Example: If you search on the goggle to find the cheapest flight form Delhi to Mumbai, then you are using AI-enabled Google’s flight search engine; which uses a large amount of data through machine learning and computer vision.
Artificial Intelligence, with its sub sets of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Virtual and Augmented reality, Robotics, coupled with other new technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain Technology and 3D Printing is revolutionizing the businesses and societies.
Classification of Artificial intelligence:
a. Analytical AI (cognitive representation of the world and learning is based on the past experience to inform future decisions)
b. Human-inspired AI (understanding human emotions, and take cognitive elements along with human emotions while taking decision making.)
c. Humanized artificial intelligence (shows characteristics of all types of competencies such as cognitive, emotional, and social intelligence)
Subfields of AI research:
· Robotics
· Machine learning
· Artificial neural networks
Traditional goals of AI:
· Reasoning
· Knowledge representation
· Panning
· Learning
· Natural language processing
· Perception
AI Approaches include:
· Statistical methods
· Computational intelligence
· Traditional symbolic
Tools used in AI include:
· Search and mathematical optimization
· Artificial neural networks
· Methods based on statistics, probability and economics
The AI field draws upon:
· Computer science
· Information engineering
· Mathematics
· Psychology
· Linguistics
· Philosophy
Why Artificial Intelligence field was founded?
To claim that the human intelligence can precisely be described so that the a machine can be made to simulate it.